Agh - Facebook!
It’s so helpful when it comes to people seeing Group and Business Pages notifications.
...said no one ever 😂
So perhaps you’ve felt like your favorite groups, friends or businesses have been a bit quieter lately?
Well, it’s likely that actually, that’s because facebook’s new auto settings were set to show you the ‘highlights’ notifications only, or even worse - OFF completely (withdrawal alert 🚨)!
Earlier this week I spent a little time reviewing the entire list of groups I follow (some have been inactive for years, some I can’t even remember joining!) and defined how often I’d like to hear from them!
And here’s how to do this if you want to ensure you hear from those Facebook groups you are actually interested in and how to switch off ones you’re happy checking up on your own initiative - now and then:
Launch the Facebook app on your iPhone or iPad
Tap the three stacked lines icon in the bottom right corner of the menu
Scroll down and tap on Settings & Privacy
Tap Notifications Settings
Tap Groups
Tap the name of the group for which you want to adjust notifications
Select level of notification you’d like to receive for each group
There are a few groups I initially chose to see ‘All‘ notifications for, but quickly realised that as they are hyper active and have a tonne of users, receiving just ‘Highlights’ is not the worst thing, so I’ve adjusted accordingly.
There you go! You’re back in the loop :)
And, of course, if you’d like to join my friendly and supportive ‘Projects’ group, you’re more than welcome at Chtefan. Photography Projects Facebook Group!
Aberdeen | Family | Photographer | Montrose | Laurencekirk | Children | Natural Light | Lifestyle