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Aberdeen Family Photographer | Pay it Forward 2021 Event (+bonus Random Acts of Kindness insposheet)

Writer: .iana.iana

Would it be so wrong to stop starting every conversation with ‘pheeew! What a year’?

I’m so guilty of that, but I truly sometimes can’t believe where we’ve been and how far we’ve come!

But today I want to talk about fun and kind things, not things starting with ’c’ nor ‘p’...

How much golden gorgeousness is that?

Pay it Forward Day takes place on 28th of April and I have just the perfect way to mark and celebrate the occasion.

Pay it Forward is the day that encourages us all to make that little extra effort and do a random act of kindness (or two). This can range from paying for someone’s coffee to calling an elderly relative.

Of course we shouldn’t need the calendar to remind us to call granny, but sometimes it’s just that little prod to make us do it.

If you have been following my social media, you may have seen me talk about Blooming Specials - flowery photo events I was planning to run this spring: in daffodil fields, tulips and bluebells.

Sadly, the Scottish spring weather had other plans (welcome to Scotland!) and we had snow mid-April, which did mean that some daffodils were looking a bit sad and others got a frost bite. I didn’t want to risk planning an event that wouldn’t go ahead for any reason or that would end up taking place in fields that don’t look their best, so, this is how the idea for Pay it forward 2021 was born.

And here’s the deal:

On Wednesday 21st, just a week before the PiF day, I would love to invite you to meet me in a daffodil field outside the Farm to Table shop between 5 and 6PM to get a portrait of your family taken - completely free of charge.

Come along, frolic, let me snap, may I recommend that you absolutely make sure you check out the Farm to Table shop (the frozen section is literally a game-changer!) and a few days later see your photos in an online gallery, where you can just download one image and use as you please!

The only thing I ask is that you let me know you’re planning to come along by filling out this brief form - this will let me plan my time best and also gives me your contact details for when your photo is ready!

Sounds good?

Fill out the form here and I will see you on Wednesday!


As a bonus item, how about a lil’ inspo for yourself?

Here are a few ideas of easy, cheap or completely free acts of kindness you can do yourself to put a smile on someone’s face!


Chtefan. Photography is a Family Lifestyle Portrait and Artisan Headshot and Personal Brand photographer based in Laurencekirk, Aberdeen - Scotland.

I specialise in beautiful, natural photography of children, families and professional portraits, personal branding and headshots.

Chtefan. Photography covers the following areas: Montrose, Inverbervie, Arbroath, Ellon, Westhill, Banchory, greater Aberdeenshire and Angus regions and would love little more than to travel on both national and international assignments.



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